Yesterday morning some sneaky little leprechauns snuck into our house and left the kids some chocolate coins and other green snacks. Then for breakfast we made some rainbow pancakes. Don't they look so pretty just heatin' up on the grill?
Cailyn was so giddy with excitement. "This is so much fun!" she giggled. :) She did, however, ask why I didn't do Indigo!
Landon was totally mesmerized by the process and loved seeing all the colors. BUT he wouldn't take ONE. SINGLE. BITE! He was too weirded out by the fact that his pancakes were colored. So he settled for some Lucky Charms instead, which works equally as well for St. Patrick's Day. :)
Cailyn was so giddy with excitement. "This is so much fun!" she giggled. :) She did, however, ask why I didn't do Indigo!
Landon was totally mesmerized by the process and loved seeing all the colors. BUT he wouldn't take ONE. SINGLE. BITE! He was too weirded out by the fact that his pancakes were colored. So he settled for some Lucky Charms instead, which works equally as well for St. Patrick's Day. :)